Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The place of TOM the ORCA

We have arrived in Eden on the New South Wales coast of Australia. The time we’ve spent at Flinders Island north of Tasmania and Deal Island was FANTASTIC! Bass Strait gave us something of everything in fair amounts. The chiming song of the bellbirds here in Eden is fascinating and beautiful. Dolphins play around the boat and little penguins dive and paddle between us and the shore bobbing their heads up as if asking ‘Hey big one, what’s up?’ Yes, sharks and seals join the party. No, we don’t swim. Our current project is to make a cover for the dinghy from old sail. Every afternoon we go to the beach for some healthy exercise and then we check our progress when we fit the cover. (There’s light at the end of the tunnel. / Wij hebben de lek amper boven. / Ons is al oor die hond se rug.) Today a lot of roads are closed due to flooding. Yes, we are also getting drenched by pelting rain. That means going to shore is not a good option. With all this rainwater donated to us, we try and make the best of it. That means washing …. We feel so ‘settled’...