We troll a fishing line behind the boat. Two days ago we caught a young dolphinfish and enjoyed it thoroughly. Today we pulled in the empty line to find that half our lure was gone. The lure is a little jelly-rubber colourful fish that has the shape of a whale. We once-upon-a-time bought it in New Zealand. Rolling the half-lure around in my hand before discarding it, I realized I'm holding a great piece of proof in my hand. Just like a dentist make a cast of one's teeth to replace or crown a tooth, similarly was the shark teeth imprints in the half-lure. Two triangles (16mm width) with pure edging were cut straight through and two double teeth and double sided were cleanly cut half-through. AMAZING !
Naturally this half-lure stays in our collection of memories as proof of the humongous shark we fortunately did not catch.